Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ziggurat of Ur VS. The Pyramids of Giza

I chose to go with option one doing a comparative analysis on the Ziggurat of Ur vs. Pyramids at Giza. I have chosen to put both the pictures up so everyone could see exactly what I am talking about. My comparisons are going to be similarities of differences between the size to the two buildings, the medium in which they are made, the function on them and a little about the style and design of the structures.

My first comparison is about the size difference between the Ziggurat of Ur and The Pyramids at Giza. Looking at the size in both pictures it is hard to tell if one is bigger than the other. Ziggurat of Ur is estimated of around 150 feet. The Pyramids is around 450 feet. The size difference is pretty huge between the two. But the structures of the two look alike. The Ziggurat and the Pyramids both have the triangle shape. Though the Ziggurat is made of rectangles it stacks on top each other to make a triangle shape. With the size of them both being so big and in a triangle shape makes the connection that they both were reaching for something bigger then themselves, like a God or the Heavens. Also the size gives both the buildings a imitation factor. The Ziggurat looks so imitating in the fact that you can see that there are heavily gated passage ways to get into the building’s roof.

The medium of the Pyramid at Giza is made up of stone, and as for the Ziggurat it is made up of mud brick. When looking at the buildings they look like they are made out of the same stone. It is interesting that the way they both look resembles each other. They fact that they are both triangle shape and made with the same medium almost makes it look like it was made by the same person but at a different time. The fact that they are both have the same hard looking stone also tells me they were trying hard to make the buildings unbreakable. Make them strong so that no one could destroy them. They are both solid buildings which is another similarity they have, furthering onto the whole strength of the buildings.

The two different structures were used in different ways but in a small way are still similar to each other. The Ziggurat of Ur was used for a religious ritual to please the Gods and give thanks to them by giving them food and gifts. They wanted to be as close as they could to the heavens so it was easy for the Gods to come down. As for the Pyramids at Giza it was used as a religious belief that we have an afterlife with our ka. Inside this solid pyramid are tunnels to different places in the pyramid, some were to just trick thieves and others had the tomb of where king’s body lies. Inside these tombs would lye riches and things that the afterlife would need. Both structures were used to put riches in and they were believed to be used for something bigger than the life they knew then. The only difference is what they the people believed it was used for and the places they held their rituals. The Ziggurat rituals were on top of the temple and the Pyramids have their rituals inside the structure. 


  1. It is interesting both the Giza pyramids and the Ziggurat looked so similar to one another even though they were made out of different materials. This makes me wonder if one was made to resemble the other or if it was purely coincidental. I like how you mentioned that both looked very strong and were made that way to look unbreakable and important.
    It's also important to look at the fact that even though the Ziggurat was not as high as the pyramids of Giza that they were both fairly huge and reaching towards the gods.

  2. You mentioned that the triangle shape of both structures is what made them reach closer to the gods. I agree with this, though I wonder why another shape wasn't used but built equally as high. Maybe it would have been more difficult to create a rectangle shape that was as tall and structurally could support itself. Or the triangle shape could have possibly meant something more to these people. It is interesting that both of these looked so similar but had many differences such as the material used. Or that the ziggurats were given flat tiers for people to stand on and the pyramids were sloped faces reaching a point at the top.

  3. Good thoughts. I wanted to address Laura M.'s comment above: the specific shape of these structures is made to evoke the imagery of a mountain. As I mentioned in lecture, both of these structures were inspired by "sacred mountain" imagery, which ties into the idea that a mountain is a sacred location that is set-apart from the rest of the world (in both a physical and symbolic sense). It is thought that the Egyptian pyramids also evoke "sacred mountain" imagery by referencing the ben-ben, the primordial mountain that was created out of a swamp in Egyptian mythology.

    Also, I wanted to point out one more thing in relation to this post, Laura. I understand what you mean about how both structures appear "solid" in appearance. But I just want to note that we have to be careful when using the word "solid" when comparing these structures, because it could imply that the pyramids are made of a solid stone core (without any internal passages). Obviously, that isn't the case for the pyramids, since the tomb of the pharaoh is located inside. But the ziggurats are made of a solid brick core.

    -Prof. Bowen
